


4.7 ( 3691 ratings )
Price: $0
Review - The absolute best network connectivity piece of software I have found

FileBrowserGO - Excellent Utility

5 Stars - FileBrowserGO - Excellent Utility

The absolute best network connectivity piece of software I have found to connect my iPad to my Drobox, that is on my Windows based network. This is the sort of software that should be included in any operating system for connecting across dissimilar systems.

FileBrowserGO is available for download on the iOS AppStore.

5/ 5stars

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Simply way, way ahead of anything else and I've tried them all!
DannoZYX - AppStore USA
FileBrowserGO - Best File Manager Ever!!!
This is the best app I have ever used on my iPhone. Its features are limitless
Irshath M - AppStore Sri Lanka
FileBrowserGO - The Best App Ever