


4.7 ( 3691 ratings )
Price: $0
Review - amazingly simple to configure, in less than a couple of minutes

FileBrowserGO - Fantastic Product

5 Stars - FileBrowserGO - Fantastic Product

Challenge: my old WD iCloud storage device became obsolete due to being discontinued.. Did not want to spend the $$ to upgrade to the latest device.. Instead decided to use an old USB storage device I had and connected it to the router to store files that we could all share (photos, docs, videos etc) from our Apple devices. Router supported SMB but challenge was getting the iPad to recognise USB storage via SMB.. “big fail” .. I’m sure it was user error... Success: After trawling App Store for hours stumbled across FileBrowserGo, amazingly simple to configure, in less than a couple of minutes had it accessing my USB storage and we were viewing/uploading all our photos etc in a single location via our individual Apple devices.. Made my day, such small things 8-).

FileBrowserGO is available for download on the iOS AppStore.

5/ 5stars

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Simply way, way ahead of anything else and I've tried them all!
DannoZYX - AppStore USA
FileBrowserGO - Best File Manager Ever!!!
This is the best app I have ever used on my iPhone. Its features are limitless
Irshath M - AppStore Sri Lanka
FileBrowserGO - The Best App Ever