How to Tag Photos with XMP Files Using an iPad / iPhone

Follow our Simple Guide and Start Rating or Rejecting Photos with XMP Using FileBrowser Professional

Professional photographers need to review, star or cull photographs on a daily basis. This can be done with your iPad, iPhone or iPad Pro in the studio or out on location.

Step 1

Import the photos from your SD card into your portable WiFi Drive or laptop.

Portable WiFi drives such as Western Digital passport with built-in SD card reader or the Toshiba AeroMobile SSD can help you travel light.

Import the photos from your SD card into your portable WiFi Drive or laptop.

Step 2

Use FileBrowser Professional to browse the photos on your drive.

Use FileBrowser Professional to browse the photos on your drive.

Step 3

Select a photo and tap the information icon, this will bring up the information panel.

Select a photo and tap the information icon, this will bring up the information panel.

Step 4

You can Reject, Star rate' or mark photos for deletion. This info will be stored in a separate XMP file. Any photos that already have an XMP file can also be rated or rejected, and FileBrowser Professional will update the existing XMP file.

You can Reject, Star rate' or mark photos for deletion. This info will be stored in a separate XMP file. Any photos that already have an XMP file can also be rated or rejected, and FileBrowser Professional will update the existing XMP file.

Step 5

The XMP files created by FileBrowser Professional can later be used with Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Bridge or other products, allowing the reviewed photos to be easily indexed.

The XMP files created by FileBrowser Professional can later be used with Adobe Lightroom or other products, allowing the reviewed photos to be easily indexed.

Step 6

This review process can be done with minimal hardware (iPad & WiFi drive), and could be done on an Airplane or train whilst travelling back to the office or studio.

This feature also works with all storage connectors supported by FileBrowser Professional, including file servers, network drives, and cloud storage.

This review process can be done with minimal hardware (iPad & WiFi drive), and could be done on an Airplane or train whilst travelling back to the office or studio.
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