


4.7 ( 25155 ratings )
Price: $7.99
Review - FileBrowser connects to every kind of local and cloud storage you can imagine.

FileBrowser - The Perfect Files App

5 Stars - FileBrowser - The Perfect Files App

I have been using it on the iPad for years and it really works great. It connects to every kind of local and cloud storage you can imagine at the same time. No need for jiggling with many different cloud apps. Makes working with or backups of important files real easy. It's so much better than the crappy Apple files app. It can even play music and video. Really recommend this one.

FileBrowser is available for download on the iOS AppStore.

5/ 5stars

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FileBrowser a one stop shop for file management at a level that Apple do not provide.
- AppStore UK
FileBrowser - Easily the Best File Manager on IOS
FileBrowser the most efficient and effective browser made for iOS devices. It handles local, cloud, and NAS file systems effortlessly.
ThinksDeeply - AppStore United States
FileBrowser - Hands Down the Best iOS File Browser