


4.7 ( 25155 ratings )
Price: $7.99
Review - I Would recommend FileBrowser to anyone looking for a solid file management app

FileBrowser - Finally a Real File Manager...

5 Stars - FileBrowser - Finally a Real File Manager...

I'm new to Apple products. I bought an iPad Air 3. I was having learning curve problems. I couldn't get files moved to where I wanted, causing me a lot of grief. I tried many file managers, The one that came with the IPad was just about worthless for my needs. After a month and a half of fooling around with different apps, finally file browser answered all my file transferred needs. This app has just about every file transfer function anyone needs. I turned on the operational hints to help me navigate through the options. I was able to connect two NAS servers and get my videos easily transferred from an attached USB flash drive into an email as an attachment with very little trouble. I take my hat off to the FB app developers. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a solid file management app. Good Job!.

FileBrowser is available for download on the iOS AppStore.

5/ 5stars

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FileBrowser - Easily the Best File Manager on IOS
FileBrowser the most efficient and effective browser made for iOS devices. It handles local, cloud, and NAS file systems effortlessly.
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